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Responsible for content

Hechenbichler GmbH
Cusanusweg 7-9
A-6020 Innsbruck
T +43 512 291810-0
F +43 512 291810-23

Reporting requirement and disclosure

Company Name: Hechenbichler GmbH
Street: Cusanusweg 7-9
Postal Code / City: 6020 Innsbruck
Commercial Register Number: 53115k
Commercial Register Court: Innsbruck Regional Court
VAT number: ATU31805302
Head office (headquarters): Innsbruck
Type/purpose of business: Production and trade of animal care products and stable hygiene products, as well as of plant growth stimulants and fertilizer trade.
Management: Dr. Hanspeter Hueter
Professional group: Member of Chamber of Commerce of Tyrol, National Committee for Agricultural Trade as well as National Committee for Foreign Trade

Concept, Design & Development

Peel & Pulp Digital - Digital Agentur
Gothmunder Weg 34
D-23568 Lübeck
T: +49 176 2222 4695


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